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Curious about child welfare and related topics? Join us for our free summer seminars to learn more alongside other Bruins and get to know the UCLA Pritzker Center.

July 29, 1-2pm PT
Housing: Brenda Tully, PhD
Explore issues concerning housing for families and youth involved with the child welfare system.

August 5, 1-2pm PT
Policy and Practice: Taylor Dudley, JD
Develop an understanding of policy making and laws relevant to the child welfare system.

August 9, 9-10am PT
Education: Tyrone Howard, PhD
Deepen knowledge of the interrelated connections between schools and the child welfare system.

August 16, 9-10am PT
Mental Health: Audra Langley, PhD
Enhance your insight concerning mental health, trauma, and resilience among child welfare involved youth and families.

Guests may join for 1 or more sessions. All sessions will be live via Zoom and will NOT be recorded.

Please RSVP for the Zoom link. A unique link for each session will be sent out 24 hours before the event. Thanks in advance for joining us! We can’t wait to see you!

Please contact us with any questions at dudley@gseis.ucla.edu.