Therapeutic Dance for the Healing of Sexual Trauma: A Systematic Reviewtdudley2022-09-24T01:06:44+00:00April 25, 2022|
AirTalk: A Look At “Blind Removal” In Child Welfare Cases After LA County Supervisors Vote To Support Pilot Programhextor2021-07-20T05:31:16+00:00July 20, 2021|
Why are Black children removed from homes at high rate? L.A. County plans ‘blind removal’ pilothextor2021-07-17T00:05:52+00:00July 14, 2021|
Los Angeles Leaders Vote to Try “Colorblind” Foster Care Decisionshextor2021-07-17T00:00:36+00:00July 13, 2021|
Breaking the Foster Care Cycle, One Young Family at a Timehextor2021-07-08T02:55:47+00:00July 1, 2021|
Tutoring, when driven by equity, can help students catch up post pandemichextor2021-05-19T03:32:16+00:00May 17, 2021|
The UCLA Pritzker Center on the Death of Ma’Khia Bryanthextor2021-04-23T18:30:45+00:00April 23, 2021|
UCLA Pritzker Center to Present National Expertise on Child Welfare and Domestic Violencehextor2021-04-22T02:46:42+00:00April 20, 2021|