The Impact of Covid-19 on Foster and Relative Caregivers

Over 600 resource parents in Los Angeles County were surveyed to understand the impact of COVID-19 on them and the children in their care.

of resource parents reported being open to welcoming a new child into their home during COVID-19

of resource parents reported losing a job and/or experiencing financial hardship
believe shelter in place has helped their family grow

Children and youth in foster or relative care, and their caregivers are currently facing unforeseen difficulties and uncertainty during the COVID-19 crisis. Findings from this research have identified opportunities to impact long-term policies and practice. We can utilize the urgency of this event to learn and grow in ways that will enable us to better hold those who are most in need, not only during this crisis, but into the future.

Some key learnings:

  • The crisis enabled families to grow closer, as well as other positive outcomes
  • Better communication is needed between the Department of Child and Family
    Services (DCFS), Foster Family Agencies (FFAs), social workers, and families
  • When resource parents attend trainings and support groups, they are general beneficial
  • Increased safety and productivity of birth parent visits needs to be explored